Traveling Vocations Cross Program
This activity, similar to the Traveling Vocations Chalice Program, ask for prayers for vocations as parishioners take home a standing crucifix or cross with an Agnus Dei, a figure of a lamb bearing a cross or flag as an emblem of Christ, on it. It is perfect for traveling through a parish school, religious education classes, or Masses. Newer ministries may want to start with the Traveling Vocations Cross Program, as it is more cost effective and potentially less labor-intensive endeavor. It was created and is promoted by Serra US.

Wee Apostles is offering FREE kids vestments for any schools or parishes that are participating in the Traveling Vocations Chalice or Traveling Cross program!
Ministry in Action
Sacred Heart parish in Stockton, California, had not had a vocation in many years. After about a year of praying, their new priest arrived at their parish, ready to get the soil fertile for vocations. Their new ministry of 6 incredible couples worked on that soil for a year, doing various activities. One of those activities is the Traveling Vocations Cross Program. This activity has been fruitful, with more than 600 families participating. Recently a young man from their parish entered the seminary. Praise God!