The Immaculate Heart Vocation Prayer Society is a prayer initiative by Vocation Ministry to encourage and engage the faithful to pray for vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life, and sacramental marriage around the world. Members pledge to pray daily and offer sacrifices for:
- A fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church and an abundance of vocations to labor in God’s vineyard.
- God’s light and strength be given to the men called to be priests and brothers.
- Women, who God has set apart to be sisters and nuns, to feel an irresistible call to consecrated life.
- Religious orders to flourish as they follow the path of holiness according to their charisms.
- Seminaries to overflow and the formators and teachers be blessed with discernment and a wisdom not of this world.
- Men and women, who are called to marriage, to see the importance of this vocation and, like Tobias, seek their spouse for a noble purpose.
All the intercessions are also in the prayer card.

Become a member of the Immaculate Heart Vocation Prayer Society to Download the prayer card.
Why Immaculate Heart of Mary?
by Fr. Victor Perez, Chaplain of Vocation Ministry
- The image depicts the beautiful Immaculate Heart of Mary with five roses, which symbolizes the beauty of the soul. This is our first vocation: the call to holiness. The call to be who the Father is calling us to be in Christ His Son.
- This is also Mary’s heart. Mary is the Mother of Vocations. It is thanks to her faith and her Fiat, her Yes, that Christ was able to dwell among us.
- We need Our Blessed Mother’s intercession so that we too may say yes to God’s will in our own lives and have her courage and love to be dedicated to Jesus as she was.
- The Immaculate Heart was full of grace. Vocations come only from the grace of God. This grace precedes us, goes before us. We just have to say Yes and be open to this grace. One grace is the grace of prayer for vocations. The Spirit guides us in our prayer.
- The sword in her sorrowful heart reminds us of Mary’s share in Christ’s suffering, being at the foot of the cross. She saw how much Our Lord loves all humanity that He saved us. She was there for the High Priest’s sacrifice. She wants everyone to receive the abundant graces and mercy from this sacrifice which is present at every Mass. She prays and distributes graces to us from Heaven. She also prays for priests to say Yes to help distribute the graces He earned for us on the cross through the Sacraments. The passion is the source of our zeal for vocations since Christ died to save all and we are called to help Our Lord in this work.