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VM Vocation Resources :: Vocation Days

Vocation Days

The work of promoting vocations at a parish will often revolve around the days that we usually promote vocations. Don’t worry if you cannot execute an activity on the exact day. Most parishioners have no idea that these days exist, so they will not know if you have to hold an event the week after its official date. Also, don’t forget to start small! You may decide to make announcements and post a blurb in the bulletin only for some of these dates. Pick the ones that your ministry and parish are ready for and the ones you feel will be most impactful. Just do something!

Deacon Sunday

October 13, 2024

In 2022, Vocation Ministry started a new vocation celebration, Deacon Sunday. This new celebration day was created to inspire vocations to the diaconate and affirm deacons and their families.

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National Vocation Awareness Week

November 3, 2024

National Vocation Awareness Week is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations.

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World Day of Cloistered Life

November 21, 2024

The Church celebrates World Day of Cloistered Life (the Memorial of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple), an ecclesial event for all Catholics worldwide to commemorate the hidden lives of contemplative religious in cloisters and monasteries.

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National Catholic Schools Week

January 27, 2025

Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week. Schools typically observe the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation.

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World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2, 2025

In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd.

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World Marriage Day / National Marriage Week

February 7, 2025

This special day to salute the beauty of marriage started in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1981, and 2 years later 43 Governors officially proclaimed the day, and festivities spread throughout the United States. World Marriage Day is designated to be celebrated on the second Sunday of February and continues to grow and extend to more countries every year.

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Uplift Your Priest

April 28, 2025

"Uplift Your Priest" is a campaign focused on encouraging parishioners to support, appreciate, and strengthen the roles of their priests within the community. For two weeks after the 2nd Sunday of Easter, the laity recognize the pivotal role priests play and the importance of maintaining their well-being and morale.

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Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025

Religious Brothers Day, marked May 1st, offers the opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for religious brothers in our lives. It also offers an opportunity to consider how we all invite, walk with, and encourage young people to discern God’s call in their life.

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World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025

The purpose of World Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publicly fulfill the Lord’s instruction to, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2).

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World Priest Day

June 27, 2025

The World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests takes place every year on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred heart of Jesus. Established by Saint John Paul II in 2002, this celebration occurs annually on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On this day the Church encourages priests to prayerfully reflect upon the gift of their vocation. The faithful are also invited to mark this celebration by praying for all priests that they may live lives of holiness and fidelity to Christ and his Church.

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Priesthood Sunday

September 28, 2025

Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to honor the priesthood. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central on.

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