Vocation Resources:


Priests: You can foster a Vocation-Producing Parish! Here are some tried-and-true things you can start doing right now.

What can you do?

  • Speak about vocations more often.
  • Share your vocation testimony.
  • Promote vocation events planned by the ministry.
  • Share a joyful and authentic example of the priesthood.
  • Start a vocation parish ministry.
  • Invite youth to consider a vocation to the priesthood or religious life.

Tools for Priests

Homily Topics

Vocation Talking Points

Marriage Prep Classes

Steps to forming a parish vocation ministry:

Step 1- Assess your vocation culture.

Step 2 – Incorporate the vocation days calendar into the parish calendar.

Step 3 – Invite a few parishioners to join a vocation ministry/committee. 

Step 4 – Buy a copy of Hundredfold: A Guide to Parish Vocation Ministry and a bilingual Hundredfold-Sembrando Semillas Resource Book for each member of the ministry. 

Step 5 – Gather the members for a meeting

  • Discuss how to celebrate the next few vocation days on the calendar.
  • Discuss Phase I activities in the book and website to implement to create a vocation-friendly environment.

Step 6 – Provide support when needed and where possible for this new ministry.

  • Attend ministry meetings when possible.
  • Promote and participate in ministry activities and events.
  • Spiritually guide this ministry, especially in the beginning.

Read this article, Without Vocations, There Will Be No Eucharistic Revival by Father Roger Landry about Vocation Ministry’s work and its importance.

Diocesan Partners

Vocation Ministry has worked with these and other dioceses to help build a culture of vocations. Want us to help your diocese? Let your vocation director know about our workshops.


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