What is Behind the Habit?
This event is designed for those men who are discerning religious life or curious to see more about these communities and how priests and brothers are formed.
Topics covered during the day:
- Behind the scenes videos
- Special Story of the priesthood – most impactful story
- The Vows
- Vocation testimonies
- Day in the Life
- The Mass
- Community Life
- Q & A times after each presentation
- And MORE!
Participating Communities:
- Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular – Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Canons Regular of St. John Cantius
- Discalced Carmelite Friars Washington Province
- Jesuits Central and Southern Province
- Benedictines, St. Benedict Abbey Atchison, Kansas
Watch Behind the Habit Videos:
TOR Friars of Steubenville, OH
Discalced Carmelite Friars of Washington Province
Benedictines of Atchison, Kansas
Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius
Jesuits, Southern and Central Province
Contact Information for Discerners
Men’s Discernment Group: The Collar

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