Newman Ministry
Almost 80% of college students stop practicing their faith at some point during college, with only 15% seeking a college campus ministry on their own. To help more students become involved in campus ministry, the Newman Connection offers a simple solution. First, this program gathers graduating seniors’ names, the college of choice, and its location. Then, the Newman Ministry passes along these names to the campus ministers at the respective universities. Finally, they provide individual students with the campus minister’s contact information and other details to help them get involved once they arrive on campus. In this way, the student and campus minister have an excellent opportunity to connect. A high school vocation ministry and high school campus minister have a clear and straightforward motivation to keep older teens and young adults practicing their faith. The more they go to church and participate in college campus ministry, the more they are open to hearing God’s call.

Link for more information and to enter in college destination and student contact information:
Newman Ministry (High School)
- Consider hosting a meal for all high school seniors, where the ministry can celebrate the seniors and acquire their college choices.