Vocation Resources:

Vocation Testimony

Every priest has a story to tell about how he came to know he was called to be a priest. Most of these stories do not include a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary or God speaking directly to them, but instead, they felt a stirring in their hearts and a love for the sacraments.

Since the majority of priests heard the call between birth and 22 years of age, it is imperative that the students, no matter their age, hear their priest’s story. They need to hear that the priest was a normal student, who played in the band or some sport and loved hanging out with friends just like the current students do. They need to relate to the priest and his story to possibly see themselves also saying Yes to God. This can be during a homily at the all-school Mass or when a priest visits the classroom. Whenever the opportunity arises ask a priest to share how he knew God was calling him to be a priest of Jesus Christ.



  • Each person who has said “Yes” has a vocation testimony. This activity is applicable to married couples, religious sisters and brothers, and consecrated men and women.

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