Classroom Materials
Vocation Vocabulary

Free Vocation Curriculum
The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles have produced a top-quality vocation curriculum for K-12th grade, and it is totally FREE! Introductory Video for the Curriculum
Classroom Assignments
Franciscan University’s Vocations Outreach Program has a variety of assignments for different age levels to use in their classrooms or for homeschooling.
Lesson Plans
The USCCB has designed lesson plans, specifically for National Vocation Awareness Week, but they can be used at any time.
Vocation Lessons
Move from Education to Formation with Vocation Lessons, a new curriculum that inspires Catholic students to appreciate each vocation and become open to God’s call. The lessons that are geared toward each grade from K-12 can be accessed online or in print.
- Christian marriage, priesthood, and religious life formation.
- Compelling lesson plans ‘teach teachers’ about vocations.
- A Family Feature spurring conversation about God’s call among parents and children.
- Creative skits, role-playing, debate, and student materials.
Quick Reference Guide
Teachers are called amidst already busy schedules to be more than knowledge transmitters. Students send out signals as they tackle academic and life issues. As a teacher, you have been gifted with the opportunity to respond to your students and to touch their lives by example, by listening, and by providing meaningful feedback.
The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to suggest ways that you can encourage vocations to priesthood, religious life, and other Church leadership without sacrificing time needed to complete your curriculum.
Sacred Story Youth
Did you know you can teach Pre-K through Grade 8 students the art of spiritual discernment in minutes a day! Teachers and homeschoolers can use this amazing resource as a post-recess activity to help children regain focus, too. Developed over a two-year period and in a completely digital format for download, Sacred Story Youth teaches students simple lessons in age-appropriate ways and are designed to:
- Develop daily a relationship with Jesus
- Discover Jesus’ love for you
- Introduce the Ignatian Examen
- Learn discernment for vocations
- Take breaks from technology
Storybook Corner
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration Story Hour presents stories for Pre-Readers.

While the sisters enjoy reading the fun children’s stories, they say that the greater purpose behind the videos is to show young people bits of the convent and aspects of the religious life. Sister Regina commented, “If kids aren’t seeing sisters, they might not think it’s a possibility to give their life to God. Hopefully, that awakens the desire in them to give their life to God, or even just to listen to Him and pray more often or grow in their friendship with Jesus.”
Stories of Service
To lead 4-8th graders in a discussion about God’s call in their lives, have them read 1 Samuel 3: 1-10, and then the story of the Annunciation, and then fill out the worksheet. You could have a large group discussion for the younger kids, but the older kids may benefit from a small group discussion of their answers for some or all of the worksheets.
Decorate Your Door